
  • Elbek Oqbo‘tayev Abdurazzoq son Kirjoittaja


This article is called "characteristic features of Anvar Obidjon's comic prose" and is dedicated to showing how humor is manifested in the writer's stories and short stories.

The specific aspects of the comic stories of the writer were analyzed separately, and the research of the characteristics of a series of comic stories of A. Obidjon was carried out. In the writer's stories, it is shown that the comic image begins with the names given to the characters in the text, and the expression thickens during the development of the plot.

In the short story "Alamazon and his footmen", the social character of comic works is shown in the places dedicated to the comic interpretation of social problems.       


Lataustiedot eivät ole vielä saatavilla.


A. Abidjon. "Oh, Bright World..." A story for children. - Stone. Gafur Ghulam Publishing House, 1983

A. Abidjon. Earthlings. Adult comics. - Tashkent. "Young Guard" publishing house. 1990.

A. Abidjon. Your brother is a pine Gulmat. Stories, songs, comic ghazals for adults. - T., "Young Guard" publishing house. 1987

A. Abidjon. A player in trouble. Adult comics. - Tashkent. "Sharq" publishing house, 2010

A. Abidjon. Amazon and his pawns. Stories and stories for children. In Latin. Tashkent, "Yangi asr Avlodi" publishing house, 2014

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J. A. Cuddon. The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. - Published by the Penguin Group. - London.

Karimov H. Prose of the Independence period. - Tashkent.: Zarkalam, 2007. -96 p.

M. H. Abrams. A Glossary of Literary Terms.Seventh Edition. – Printed in the United States of America. - 1999.




