
  • Dustqobilov Eldor Nurmamatovich Kirjoittaja
  • Jamshidov Daniyor Buzurgmehrovich Kirjoittaja


Ushbu maqolada konlarda neft-gazni va suvni yig‘ish tayyorlashning texnologiyasi, guruhli о‘lchash qurilmasida debitni о‘lchashning yangi prinsipial sxemasi yaratildi, yengil fraksiyalarning ortiqcha bug‘lanib yо‘qolishiga neftni atmosfera bilan tutashuviga yо‘l qо‘ymaydi hamda neftni gazdan, suvdan va mexanik aralashmalardan tо‘liq tozalashga erishildi. Past bosimli neft konlari yо‘ldosh gazlarini utilizatsiya qilish va ulardan suyuq uglevodorodlarni ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi hamda neftni barqarorlashtirish, suvsizlantirish, tuzsizlantirish, neftni saqlash rezervuarlari, gaz va kondensatlarni yig‘ish va tayyorlash, suyultirilgan gazlarni tashish iste’molchilarga yetkazib berish bо‘yicha maqolada ma’lumotlar keltirilib o‘tilgan.


Lataustiedot eivät ole vielä saatavilla.


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Karshiev, M. T., Dustkobilov, E. N., Nematov, Kh. I., & Boytemirov, O. E. (2019). Selectivnoe okislenie serohydrogen in oxygenated air. Mejdunarodnyi akademicheskiy vestnik , (5), 70-73.

Karshiev, M. T., Nematov, Kh. I., Boytemirov, O. E., & Dustkobilov, E. N. (2019). ISSLEDOVANIE FUNKTSIONALNYX SVOYSTV SINTEZIRUEMYX ALYuMO-NICKEL-MOLYBDENOVYX KATALIZATOROV HYDROOCHISTKI. Mejdunarodnyi akademicheskiy vestnik , (5), 73-79.

Ziyamukhamedova, U., Rakhmatov, E., & Nafasov, J. (2021, April). Optimization of the composition and properties of heterocomposite materials for coatings obtained by the activation-heliotechnological method. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1889, No. 2, p. 022056). IOP Publishing.

Ziyamukhamedova, U., Djumabaev, A., Urinov, B., & Almatayev, T. (2021). Features of structural adaptability of polymer composite coatings. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 264, p. 05011). EDP Sciences.

Bozorov, ON, Rakhmatov, EA, Dustkobilov, EN, & Ziyamukhamedova, UA (2020). Creation and application of corrosion-resistant coatings on the basis of modified local angrene kaolins and epoxy compounds. Journal of critical reviews , 7 (16), 2945-2950.

Amperometric titration of palladium (II) and platinum (IV) ions in individual solutions of vinylpyrimidine

Bozorov, O. N., Rakhmatov, E. A., Dustqobilov, E. N., & Ziyamukhamedova, U. A. (2020). Creation of corrosion-resistant coatings based on modified local angren kaolins and epoxy compounds and their practical application. Innovative technologies , (3 (39)), 48-54.

Boboniyozovich, RK, Dilmurodovna, DS, Dzhabborovna, IH, Nurmamatovich, DE, & Abdikhafizovich, RE (2019). Amperometric titration of mercury (II) with mphcmdedtc-a nitrogen-and-sulfur-containing reagent. European scientific review , (3-4), 129-132.




