
  • Solijonova Madinabonu Bahromjon qizi Kirjoittaja


games, pronunciation, pair work, group work, phonetics, EFL, ESL, speaking, types of games, vocabulary.


This article provides information on the use of different educational games in developing the pronunciation skills of foreign language learners. Including pronunciation lessons, the importance of games is also discussed.


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Kamra R, The Importance of Using Games in the English Classroom.2010. 657p.

Khan, Julia. “Using games in teaching English to young learners”. In Teaching English to Children. Harper Collins Publishers. London, 1991.142-157.p.

Kirriemuir, J and McFarlane, A. Literature Review in Games and Learning. Report 8 Future Lab Series. Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol.(2006). 129 p.

Lee Su Kim. Creative Games for the Language. Class Forum Vol. 33 No 1, January - March 1995. 876p.

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