
  • Qurbonov Doniyorbek Davlatovich Kirjoittaja


This article says that, since the sources of constitutional law have many common features, but at the same time differ from each other, such a situation makes it difficult to solve the tasks facing a particular state body, leads to instability of the legal system of the state as a whole. In particular, a sufficient number of various kinds of conflicts arise, numerous violations of the rule of law are allowed, which ultimately affects the overall effectiveness of the state, the level of ensuring the implementation and guarantees of citizens' rights and freedoms. And to overcome such negative aspects, there is a methodology of a systematic approach to understanding the category "system of sources of constitutional law", which allows you to determine the system and structure of sources, the place of a particular source in the system, the reflection in it of the scope of powers of the relevant subject of law, subordination of sources of law by legal force, the relationship between different types of sources, an adequate measure of legal regulation. The author makes an attempt to comparatively analyze the system of sources of constitutional law of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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