In recent years, educators and researchers have recognized the tremendous benefits that storytelling can have on language development and vocabulary acquisition, particularly in young learners. By introducing young learners to the magic of storytelling, not only do they develop a love for narratives, but they also sharpen their language skills and expand their vocabulary. In this article, we will delve into the ways in which storytelling enhances language skills and vocabulary in young learners, exploring the various techniques and strategies that educators can employ to maximize its impact. Everybody, both young learners and teenagers, as well as adults, loves stories, whether these stories are fairy tales, folktales, legends, fables or short stories, because they are based on real-life incidents experienced by learners themselves, therefore implementation of storytelling technique is considered one of the most beneficial approaches for teaching speaking to different age group learners. This technique is a unique way for developing an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, as well as it can promote a positive attitude towards people from different lands, races and religions.
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