Sustainable urban land management has become a pressing issue in Uzbekistan. This study examines the organizational pathways needed to transform urban land use in Uzbekistan. It is based on a study of the theoretical foundations of urban land use. It analyzes current issues within the framework of the urban land management system in Uzbekistan. The study identifies mechanisms for determining land values and taxation, as well as subsidies for practices, as important tools for promoting efficient and equitable land use. It also highlights the need for organizational reforms, including decentralization, participatory planning, and improved land tenure security, to create responsive and flexible governance structures. The study concludes with a set of practical recommendations tailored to the specific circumstances of Uzbekistan and provides a roadmap for policymakers to achieve sustainable urban development. Environmental protection issues are highlighted, as well as recommendations for integrating green infrastructure and public transport into urban planning. By implementing these strategies, Uzbekistan can ensure that its urban growth is not only economically beneficial, but also environmentally sound and socially inclusive.
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