
  • Sharafiddinova Nodira Xursandovna Author


As the creation of poetry is ancient, the science about it, that is, poetry, also has its own specific history. In the East, the study of poetry has its deep roots. Fields of poetics have been created, which discuss the structure of poetry and the specific features of poetic speech.

The field called "Ilmi aruz" dealt with poetic weight and architecture of poetry. Rhyme, which is one of the important elements of poetry, is studied in the field of poetry called "Science of Rhyme", while poetic arts are studied in the field of "Science of Rhyme". Along with the great geniuses of philosophical sciences Farobi, Beruni, Abu Ali ibn Sina, scientists such as Rashididdin Vatvat, Aruzi Samarkandi, Davlatshah Samarkandi, and creators like Alisher Navoi, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur were engaged in these fields. summarizing views on poetic systems, studying, defining and putting into scientific use issues such as the rhythm of poetic speech, its function, factors of emergence, elements and the place of these elements in the rhythm system based on the achievements of current poetry and poeticsdetermines relevance.


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Shtal I.V. Khudojestvennyy mir homerovskogo epoca. - M.: "Nauka", 1983. - P. 34, 35, 36.

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