chemical enhanced oil recovery, viscosity reduction, multifunctional surfactants, asphaltenes, formation damage.Abstract
During the application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes, complex operational issues, such as the deposition of organic compounds (i.e., wax, resins, and asphaltenes, among others), reservoir formation damage, rock wettability alteration, and high fluids viscosity negatively affect oil recovery. Presents an experimental evaluation of the multifunctional properties of two recently developed new chemical agents: a zwitterionic surfactant (ZS) and a supramolecular complex (here named AMESUS) for chemical EOR applications. The effectiveness of new multifunctional agents and mechanisms for organic scale removal/control, oil recovery, asphaltene inhibition and dispersion activity, heavy crude oil viscosity reduction, rock wettability modification, and relative permeability are discussed. chapter.
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